Advanced Women’s Climbing Series

Designed for ladies, taught by ladies, this course is your gateway to pushing past climbing plateaus. Two of our community's most experienced members will cover a variety of themes, ranging from advanced power and efficiency techniques, to better lead climbing and belaying, projecting, and managing fear while climbing. As this is an advanced course, participants should be able to comfortably lead routes at the 5.10 grade to benefit from everything it has to offer. Whether your barriers are physical or mental, you'll acquire a powerful new tool kit to break them down and continue to grow as climbers.

More Information:


- Preregistration required with full payment at time of booking
- Must be 14 years or older
- Must be lead climb & lead belay certified at Spire
- Must be able to lead routes at the 5.10 grade


The course will run over 4 weeks with weekly 2 hour sessions. Check the calendar for the next available offering.


$160 for members / $230 for non-members (includes 1 month membership with gear)


Main Facility - 13 Enterprise Blvd, Bozeman MT 59718

  • *Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the start of class to receive a refund.

    **Makeup classes are unavailable at this time.